Contact info
Submit any correspondence or donations to:
St. Peter's Fiesta Committee
P.O. Box 3105
Gloucester, MA 01930
For any additional information please email:
The St. Peter’s Fiesta committee is a registered 501C 3 nonprofit organization whose sole purpose is to run the St. Peter’s Fiesta and relies on your contributions in order to fund this event. It takes your support to hold this event and in return we offer the following return for your support. We also offer merchandizing for you to show your pride in our event and to pass the heritage along to the next generation, be it through a book that helps to explain the wonderful event to your children or a book commemorating years past. We also have a program that provides an opportunity for business sponsorship by way of banner advertisement. Please see the listing below and if there is any way that we can assist you in finding the best way for you to support our wonderful events, please feel free to reach out to our web site. For those who would like to be able to commemorate the event throughout the year, we offer T-shirts, printed to order or specially designed key chains, or you can purchase a Pewter statue of St. Peter. We also have a children’s book for those of you who would like the opportunity to read to your children or grandchildren, or a book that displays Fiestas past. We also offer banner advertisement.
Meet the fiesta committee
Joe Novello - President
Michael Linquata - Vice President
Anthony Cusumano - Treasurer
Chris Palazzola - Clerk
Al Millefoglie - Committee Member
Al Millefoglie Jr. - Committee Member
Carlo Barbara - Committee Member
David Leveille - Committee Member
Joe D’Amico - Committee Member
Tom Favaza - Committee Member
Lucy Sheehan - Recording Secretary
All material containing the St. Peter's Fiesta name, Official Logo, and Events, including the St. Peter's Fiesta Greasy Pole Contest and the St. Peter's Fiesta Seine Boat Races and any St. Peter's Fiesta merchandising, are protected by United States Copyright Law, and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published, or broadcast without the express written consent of the St. Peter's Fiesta Committee. You may not alter or remove any copyright, trademark, or other notice from copies of this content. We will use necessary legal measures, if necessary, to protect and enforce these rights.